Introducing original music under the moniker “Analogue Soul Digital World”.
Squirreled away from the virus that changed our lives so profoundly in 2020, I found myself back in front of a computer, with a strong desire to make music. It was one of those "now or never" moments you only see in movies, one of those battles with self-doubt that could perhaps make or break someone. It was a creative challenge the likes of which I had never faced before. I used to write songs before but this was different.
Under normal circumstances, I would have perhaps patiently waited for a specific moment & the appropriate budget to add the standard layer of paint I know that the industry has come to "require".
However, the first few months of the Pandemic have taught me that life is short, and far more fragile than we realize. Today's world will likely never return to what it used to be - for that reason, I decided to send these home-recorded demos, these wordless confessions into the wild without any further ado.
No fancy paint jobs, just music I assembled and edited by myself, in my room - this is the story of "Analogue Soul Digital World" and my first public original music since I moved to Ireland.
Find out all about the new songs or stream/buy “Hard Drive to Hard Drive”, “Open Secrets” and more from Analogue Soul Digital World :